Agile top question ans answer(FAQs)


Top question related to agile and scrum:

Agile Quiz 1:

Agile nature is really important in case of development ,it has many advantages over watefall model.

In this there is a quiz related to agile.

1)Which of the following statements are correct?

  1. Agile and Design Thinking are same

  2. Design Thinking is about Product Development Agile Manifesto is about Software Devopment

  3. Design Thinking is finding the right things and Agile is about building the right things

  4. Design Thinking is building the right things and Agile is about finding the right things

Answer: 2,3

2)Which of the following BEST describes the approach for determining the Sprint length in Scrum?

  1. Sprints must be 30 days always

  2. Product Owner unilaterally decides the duration of Sprint

  3. Sprints must be two weeks always

  4. The team must collectively agree on the length of the Sprint based on business need and technical team's ability; subject to a maximum of one month

  5. There is no rule on Sprint duration


Answer: 4

3)Which one of these is NOT an XP practice?

  1. Test Driven Development

  2. Extreme Reviews

  3. Pair Programming

  4. Continuous Integration

  5. Refactoring


Answer: 2

4)Daily Scrum is NOT recommended for collocated team?

  1. TRUE

  2. FALSE

Answer: 2

5)Agile Teams need to comply by the Agile Values and Principles but have flexibility to choose appropriate value-adding practices?

  1. TRUE

  2. FALSE

Answer: 1

6)What BEST describes a Scrum Team?

  1. Small but have enough members to create the Product Increment

  2. Collaborate with each other to self-organize their work

  3. Team members must be specialists

  4. Cross Functional

  5. Reports to Product Owner



Answer: 1,2,4


7) Sprint itself is an event in Scrum


  1. TRUE

  2. FALSE


Answer: 1


8) Which of the following BEST represent the Scrum approach to planning?


  1. Planning is a continuous activity done jointly by Scrum Master and Product Owner

  2. Detailed planning is done upfront and not revisited

  3. Whole team together does just enough upfront planning followed by continuous
    planning throughout the project

  4. Only planning in Scrum is the Sprint Planing

 Answer: 3,4

9)..... improves the flow of business idea through its development and release to users.

Answer: DevOps practices

10) What does NOT match with Agile Manifesto?

  1. Processes and tools over individuals and interactions

  2. Working software over comprehensive documentation

  3. Responding to change over following a plan

  4. Contract negotiation over customer collaboration

Answer: 1,4
