Top 2 programming language for machine learning

Top 2 programming language for machine learning:

Introducing disclaimer:This is my choice,so don't abuse me please if your favourite not matched.


Yes,yes python according to resource availabilities,higher no. of communities ,github discussion.But according to my experience python is great language as a first language ,in term of machine learning it have great package support like:

  • Keras
  • TensorFlow
  • Pytorch  
You can also try OpenCV for some computer vision.So this is all about it.


 This is my favourite after trying R,python because of their visualization libraries like p3.js ,d3.js,processing.js etc. And highly supportive to web development ,no need of IDE and compilers ,JVM and blah ,blah . It needed what only browser what browser. (on incognito mode-i am joking),and great support of :

  • Tensorflow.js
  • ML5.js
libraries helps to learn machine learning easily and effective manner
